Charachterstics of Duplex 2205 Plate

 Duplex 2205 Plate

Application areas that need high corrosion resistance and strength see heavy usage of Duplex  2205 Plate (ferritic and austenitic). In 1996, UNS S32205 was approved as an improvement on the previously approved S31803 grade of stainless steel, and this grade has improved corrosion resistance.

This grade of stainless steel is unsuitable for usage beyond 300 degrees Celsius due to the precipitation of brittle micro-constituents and below -50 degrees Celsius due to the ductile-to-brittle transition of the micro-constituents.

Corrosion Resistance:

The corrosion resistance of Grade Duplex  2205 Plate is much stronger than that of grade 316, and it is immune to pitting, crevice corrosion, and intergranular corrosion. This grade of stainless steel has a CPT of about 35 degrees Celsius, and this grade can withstand the heat of up to 150 degrees Celsius without succumbing to chloride SCC. Stainless steels of the 2205 grade are suitable alternatives to austenitic steels, particularly in high-stress conditions like those found in the sea and other marine settings where early failure is expected. 

Heat Resistance:

While Grade 2205 has strong oxidation resistance, it becomes embrittled at 300 degrees Celsius. A thorough solution annealing treatment can alleviate this embrittlement. Under temperatures of 300 degrees Celsius, this grade shines.

Heat Treatment:

Most common welding processes are appropriate for this grade, except for welding without filler metals, which produce too much ferrite. Welding of 2205 with 2209 rods or electrodes, as required by AS 1554.6, ensures that the deposited metal has a properly balanced duplex structure.

By including nitrogen in the protective gas, you can be confident that enough austenite will be incorporated into the framework. Low heat input is required, and no additional heating sources should be used before or after. Due to its low thermal expansion coefficient, this grade exhibits minor deformation and stress than austenite. 


Its muscular strength makes this grade difficult to machine. Speeds of cutting are reduced by over 20% compared to grade 304.


This material's strength also plays a role in the manufacturing process. This grade calls for heavier-duty machinery for bending and shaping. Due to its lower ductility compared to austenitic grades, Grade 2205 cannot be cold-headed. It is necessary to perform intermediate annealing on this grade before cold heading operations.


The following are examples of common uses for duplex steel 2205:

  • Oil and gas exploration

  • Processing equipment

  • Transport, storage and chemical processing

  • High chloride and marine environments

  • Paper machines, liquor tanks, pulp and paper digesters

Duplex Steel 2205 Plate Manufacture  by using high quality of material, which contain a best Chemical and physical composition which provide better corrosion resistance and helpful for applications.



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